Industrial property rights are strong prohibitive rights and protect your ideas and successes against your competitors. We at ATHENE PATENT have more than 20 years’ expertise in precisely this field of law. Experienced but young in mind, we will accompany you in protecting your ideas and technical inventions.
Dr. rer. nat. Carmen Tesch-Biedermann, Patent Attorney
ATHENE PATENT Patent Attorneys in office partnership

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Only those who are knowledgeable will feel fine where they are:
This is why we work exclusively in the field of industrial property rights.



The strong technical property right

A patent is a strong property right for technical inventions. It secures its holder a prohibitive right against third parties, limited to a maximum of 20 years, and in this way creates competitive advantages.



Not just the little brother of the patent!

In Germany, a utility model protects technical inventions. In contrast to the patent, however, this is an unexamined property right with a maximum term of ten years only.


Image cultivation and quality seal

A trademark characterises the origin of products and services. Typical trademarks are therefore names and logos but there are also more exotic forms of trademarks .



The aesthetic property right

A two-dimensional or three-dimensional design can be protected by a design right.

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